
Welcome to this site every one!  As some of you may already know, I’m Joanna a/k/a Yahobahne.  I love to read, write and was known by most of my college professors as a good researcher.  Having those abilities are good combinations, and that’s a part of what prompted me to set up a blog site.  My spiritual destiny involving the heart to inspire via Yahobahne “Designs” is the other.  In addition, I am a wife to a keepingitreal, great man of God.  And you know what I love best about him?—his sense of HUMOR!! Together we have two fun-silly, but thoughtful, and loving adult children.  Between the two, we’ve a few grandchildren.  When you get a chance, go to the blog post entitled “‘About Me,’ Your Host.'” And there you will find more about me—my interests and hobbies.

And I have to add this bit of information because the colors “blue and white” will be shown on some blogs from time to time.  These colors rep the Pi Gamma Mu IHS in Social Sciences—frat colors.  So, whenever you see them in my blogs, that simply means that I’m repping my chapter—MDTheta; and I hope that my frat will give me a holla. The royal blue and white cineraria is our chapter’s flower, beautiful indeed.

MarylandThetaFlower_CinerariaWell, I hope you find my posts interesting, exciting, and unique to the end that you will be drawn back to this site.  Also, you are more than welcome to add your comments and or “Like” your favorite post(s), only register first. Your e-mails will not be visible to other guests.  Invite your friends, associates, and other bloggers.   In the meantime, I wish each of you good reading and blessings.  Enjoy!!

You will be enriched with inspiration, genuineness of spirit, encouragement and provocative thinking.



87 thoughts on “About

    • Thank you so much lady Nadyess. Congratulations to you as well. For now, my computer is disabled. But when it becomes operable again, I will post this lovely award.
      Enjoy your weekend! I love you!❤❤❤


  1. Hi Joanna!

    I think your blog is colorful, creative and the writing is very concise yet tells a story! 🙂


    • Thank you lady Frances for your kind compliment, and for stopping by. Likewise your blog is great too. AHA, and that’s why I’ll be baaackkk… #invoiceofArnoldSchwarzenegger 😉


    • Thank you lady Ferguson. I’m glad that you stopped by. You’re welcome to peruse more and or make yourself at home. I’ll be back to read more about your ministry. As for your website, I will visit it soon. May God’s gracious love and Kindgdom favor be multiplied unto you and your ministry, in Jesus’ name, Amen.


    • Ahhhh, Lady Jo & sir Aaron, you are too kind. I bless you and pray that you, your family, and ministry will prosper and reach higher heights in God’s glory in the days ahead. I decree multiplied peace and strength even as Father God is ordering your steps, in Jesus’ name, Amen. 😊


    • G’day Lady Pommepal, thank you for your kind expressions. You are welcome here at anytime. Make yourself at home, peruse, and or “like,” letting me know that you checked in. Meantime, watch for me because I’m coming back to read more of your exciting “gypsy life” blogs. Cheers! 😊


  2. I’d like to thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. I truly appreciate it. 🙂 Looking forward to getting to know you better via yours. God bless!
    – Heather


    • Oh I’m so happy! Thank you lady Heather. I know I’m going to read more of your posts/stories. 😊
      And thank you for following me. You’re a blessing. Much love sent your way!!



      • Thank your sweet heart my new blogger friend! We shall enjoy each other’s bloggy lives. 🙂


  3. Hi! I nominated your wonderful blog for the Liebster Award. I’m never sure if people enjoy getting these nominations and participating or not, but I have enjoyed your blog very much. I think your writing is wonderful, and I wanted to send a little shout-out to say so. Please don’t feel that you have to participate, but please know how much your blog and your writing mean to others. Thank you for blogging!

    Here are the Liebster details, if you choose to accept and participate: http://blogofloveliness.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/the-liebster-award-part-i/



    • Wow, CONGRATULATIONS Lady Pishnguyen and thank you kindly for the Liebster nomination. I am grateful for your compliments and shout outs. They mean a great deal, especially after recently receiving the same award as a “Double Portion,” (see my “Liebster” page).
      However, as difficult as it is to decline this participation, I must. Currently, I don’t have the quality time to accomplish every aspect of this award due to the amount of research and writing required for my first novel. Nonetheless, I wish the other 10 nominees the best and I look forward to reading all (of your) posts. Blog on!😊


      • You’re so welcome! And congrats to you on the double Liebster portion. I am not at all surprised, as your blog is wonderful and wonderfully fun. I always look forward to visiting it.

        No worries at all over not feeling able to participate. As I said in my post, my main goal is, hopefully, to bring more people to your wonderful blog. Even though I don’t reach many followers at the moment, I feel that I’ve accomplished my goal if even one new person visits your wonderful site. Good luck on your novel! 🙂


    • Hello and welcome lady Nancy. I’m glad you stopped by to visit and made a “follow” landing. Thank you. Make yourself comfortable, peruse more, and enjoy. 😊


  4. Aha! I finally found your blog again! I wanted to come back to take a longer and better look around, but I somehow lost your email from my inbox. (Truthfully, I probably deleted it by accident. Terrible “user error” >.O) Anyhow, I’m so happy you posted a follow-up comment on my blog tonight, as I was able to get back over here to read some more. And I am loving it!! I’m looking forward to following your blog and reading even more of your wonderful posts. 🙂


  5. So many comments and likes…feel like I arrived at a party while the caterers are cleaning up. Any Way…Guess I’ll just kick back, check it out, and see what’s what. Great smile under those earphones. Hope you’ve got a sense of humor…if you’re reading any of my irreverant posts.


    • Once again sir Scott, thank you for the follow. Idk ’bout the caterers cleaning up: but it looks to me like they’re still serving the food. AHA! You’re welcome to kick back. My home—blog is open to any and all who are not offended at what I serve, usually plate size, healthy messages.
      Thank you for the compliment and hopefully I’ll be able to dissect through your writings, finding the humor! 😄


    • ChristianPoetWarrior, thank you for stopping by too. I enjoy reading your encouraging and uplifting, biblical poems. God amazes me with all of the beautiful, loving and gifted people He has in His garden.
      Thank you for your kind expressions and you’re welcome to make this place a home. Father God has many mansions…


  6. Hello Yahobahne. I am glad you stumbled onto ‘a word from malachi’.
    Thank you for reading and liking. I invite you not only to stop in and read again but feel free to add your comments or opinions,

    God’s rich blessing on you a you witness for Him.

    brother malachi


    • Lady festivalking, I appreciate the follow and truly thank you for your generous expression. As for your piece, I’ll always remember it. To add, you’ll see me again. 🙂 ~Cheers


    • You’re welcome sir conmakhalira, it was my pleasure to have visited you. Thank you for your kind words. In the meantime, feel free to drop by my blog site at any time. I look forward to your feedback and encouragement. Peace and blessings.


  7. Thank you for stopping by my blog. It gave me the chance to reach your nice place here. I will be looking around, and am sure will be back again.
    Thanks again, and have a great year ahead….


    • Well thank you lady paintedpenguin. It’s my pleasure to make this blog be so inviting that others like yourself will revisit. Likewise, I’ll see you/your works again. God bless you.


    • You’re welcome cricketmuse. It was my pleasure to stumble across your wonderful blog site, but no accident. It’s good to know that my zeal for blogging can have an affect on, in positive ways, the lives of others. Peace and blessings.


  8. Thank you for stopping by and for the follow – I am so glad you did. My spiritual journey is one traveled with many friends – old and new! I praise God for putting so many of His servants on my path. It is nice to meet you!


    • You’re welcome thoughtsfromanamericanwoman. I’m greatful that I found you and your ministry. Iron sharpens iron the scripture reminds us. And Father God doesn’t make mistakes. I bless Him for His family and I’m more than glad to meet my sisters and brothers in Christ. Peace and blessings multipled to you.


      • I really like what you wrote – iron sharpens iron – that is a good vision of Gods strength! Blessings – Patty


  9. Hello, thank you for stopping by my blog! I am always humbled when others come by. I too am on a spiritual journey. I write about my son and his severe autism and my own health when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Life is not fair, but I do think I have had my share of crap. haha Anyway thank you for dropping by! I typically have humor thrown in for good measure ever so often!


    • It was a pleasure stopping by your blog lady Boomiebol. I enjoyed reading pieces of your unique writings. Likewise, may this New Year be filled with revelation, love, hope, peace and opened doors of wealth to you and your family and ministry of writing. God’s Love multiplied to you.


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