
This year’s theme for the church that I’m soon to become an official member of is, “Moving Forward With a Double Portion.”  When the pastor spoke those words into the atmosphere, my spirit man grasped hold of it like an ocean needs the rain.  When I accepted this decree by faith, the atmosphere shifted and more doors of “Double Portion” blessings began to open, particularly from the blogging community.  Recently, I received signs of that double portion. I was twice nominated for the Liebster Award. To that end, and without further ado, I would like to thank two wonderful and inspiring ladies, Carolyn Hughes a/k/a from http://carolynhughesthehurthealer.com/about/ and Samantha Han b/k/a Sam from http://bondingtool.wordpress.com/about/ for this (“Double Portion”) Liebster Blog Award.

I’m truly excited and have much gratitude in knowing that people from all over the world come to visit, peruse, and or make themselves at home here. Since November, 2012 I’ve been blogging.  And as a novice, it’s always a pleasure, treat, as well as blessings to go to and visit other bloggers.  I can not stress enough however,  that if you have insatiable spiritual and or natural appetites, you must stop by and say hello to “TheHurtHealer” and “Bondingtool.”

In addition to thanking the two ladies who nominated me, the Liebster Award has the following rules:

  • Post eleven random facts about yourself.
  • Answer eleven questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Think of a new set of eleven questions and nominate eleven others to answer them.

Here Are The First Set Of Questions From Lady Carolyn To Me:  1. Who inspires you? 2. Who is the most important person in your life? 3. What is your greatest achievement? 4. What do you dream of? 5. What makes you smile? 6. What would you change about you? 7. How do you think others see you? 8. What advice would you give to your teenage self? 9. How do you relax?  10. Where do you think you will be this time next year? 11. What is your Facebook link?


1.  People of noble character, those who invest in me, bring out the best in me, and see the greatness in me are inspirations to me.  And I would have to say that my closest friend and brother Jesus fits this bill to a tee.  My husband and mother-n-love are next in line.  There are others, but are too lengthy to name.

2.  The most important person in my life always was, and still is my husband.  I chose him because he is the closest and most intimate human being on this earth that I’m able to see and feel the love of Christ through.  He is very supportive of me and has always encouraged me to go after my goals.  At times, Mr. High can be so kind to the end that it challenges me to examine myself. *teary eyes* Other times, he gets on my last nerve…a good one though…hehehehe! He’s forever telling me to, “be yourself.” That phrase has become my favorite, as well, it’s ingrained in me. Hats off to Mr. High, my priest.

3.  My greatest and most recent achievement was in May of 2012.  I acquired a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Science, was on the Dean’s list, and I became a frat of the Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society in Social Sciences.

4.  I dream of several things, but certain ones I won’t share here because it’s between Father God and I.  However, one of my never-ending dreams is to travel around the world.  Places that I would love to visit are: Peru, Australia, Japan, Italy, Rome, and Israel to name a few.  These excursions would be for missions, pleasure and learning purposes.  Recently, I joined the Domestic/Global Missions Ministry in the church that I’m attending.  I believe that perhaps one day through this ministry, my goal to visit one of these countries will come to fruition.  In the meantime, I am open to accept monetary donations, and or a fully paid, round trip airline ticket to either of those places. Please e-mail me, and thank you in advance. 🙂

5.  My grandchildren’s presence, smile, and love; someone being healed, delivered or receiving salvation; receiving gifts, definitely a humorous person, achieving my ambitions, and knowing that I’m going to heaven are a few of many examples of what makes me smile.

6.  To be real, if I had the power I would make my thin hair become thicker.  I don’t have that power, but yet I am reminded that Jesus knows the number of hairs on my head. That makes me very unique and special to Him. Therefore, Imma leave my marvelous thin hair alone. AHA!! Other things I would change about me has all to do with my relationship with Christ. If in my personal life I submit to and obey His instructions, then I become partner with Him to the “changing me” aspect and or transformation of my heart.

7.  Overall, I hope others will see me as the Spirit of Christ lives, moves, and has His being inside me. That’s my first and foremost answer.  Otherwise, I think others may see me as being kind, bright, creative, serious, an accomplisher, beautiful, spontaneous, a critical thinker, analytical, adventurous, straightforward, romantic, prophetic, silly, and blessed.

8.  The advice that I would give to my teenage self is this: The mistakes that I made in the past, for example, being promiscuous has been forgiven by Father God. Continue to fight against those trespassing thoughts. Greater is within you. Move on. When even a pin hole trespassing thought returns, knocking on the door of your memory, instantly seize it.  Whenever your victory is on a rise, condemnation comes to thwart it. But you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Move on Yahobahne, go forth by faith and obtain the greater!

9.  My relaxation comes by way of 1) spending time alone with my husband, 2) eating seafood (blue and Alaskan crabs, mussels and shrimp), 3) listening to classic and instrumental jazz music 4) walking around the track, 5) driving around the city in search of “free” concerts, jazz festivals, family or foodies entertainments, 6) locing hair, 7) trying different (cultural) foods, 8) clothing or shoe shopping, 9) reading,  10) slow dancing with my husband, and 11) lettin’ it all hang out and down…

10. God willing, this time next year I hope to be still blogging and hopefully somewhere around completing my first novel. I hope that the world-wide WordPress blogging community will be able to support me by purchasing my book and I hope to be in one of those countries mentioned in the answer to question #4.

11. My Facebook link is: http://facebook.com/joannahighandliftingHimup

Note: Continue to scroll down to the end, you just might see your name.

Now Here Are The 11 Questions For Every One Of My Nominees On This Page:

1.  Which exercise would you prefer doing on a consistent basis: walking, jogging or weight lifting?

2.  Explain why to question #1.

3.  What is your favorite 1930’s, 1940’s or 1950’s classic movie?

4.  Do you accept the Christian faith and that person’s relationship with Christ Jesus?

5.  Explain in two paragraphs why or why not for question #4.

6.  If you were to describe your personality, which breed of dog would best describe it? 1) A poodle, 2) pit bull, 3) yorkshire terrier, 4) german shepherd, 5) maltese, 6) yellow labrador, 7) cocker spaniel, 8) bulldog, 9) chihuahua, or a 10) dalmatian.

7.  Explain your choice and why to question #6.  If you’re not sure, you might want to research that breed.  In any event, Be Honest.

8.  Add up the numbers in your age.  For example, age 42 will look like 4 + 2 = 7. Provide only the last number (7). Tell me what you think that number reminds you of or whether or not it represents something spiritual or natural.

9.  Who was the last person you “served” today, if at all? Be Honest.

10. What was your favorite childhood game?

11. Explain your answer for question #10.

Here Are My 11 Important Nominees:

1.  Speaklife1 from  http://speaklife1.wordpress.com
2.  Counsel4living
3.  Gladiuspoeticus from http://gladiuspoeticus.wordpress.com
4.  River Man from http://tsaimichaeln.wordpress.com
5.  The Water Bearer from http://innerangelsandenemies.wordpress.com
6.  Pennycoho from  http://www.thewhyabouthis.com
7.  Aretha Scruggs from http://perfectingpeace.org
8.  Caddo Veil from http://caddoveil.wordpress.com
9.  Sheryl Wright Stinchcum from http://theprinceinthetower.wordpress.com
10. Revelations in Writing a/k/a Shannon from http://revelationsinwriting.wordpress.com
11. Cooper82 a/k/a Justin from http://wheelchairchronicles.wordpress.com

Now Here Are The Second Set of Questions (11) Asked By Lady Bondingtool For Me:
1. What makes you smile?
2. When was the last time you laugh so hard tears rolled down your cheeks?
3. What was it about? (in relation to question 2).
4. Do you believe in guardian angels?
5. Who do you look up to as a role model on earth?
6. Why? (in relation to question 5).
. What’s the most common colour in your wardrobe?
8. Do you go for seasonal fashion or classic lines?
9. Cheap or expensive footwear?
10. If you could turn back the clock, at what age of your life would you like to return to?
11. Why? (in relation to question 10).


1.  See #5 Answer to lady Carolyn’s questions

2.  Yesternight 3/14/13 was the last time I laughed so hard tears rolled down my cheeks.  My husband and I bought a KFC potpie dinner for my 87-year young mother-n-love, Margaree.

3.  When we arrived, I announced that we bought her a potpie dinner KFCPotpie.  And I asked her if she wanted to eat right away. Slouched half way in her chair while holding a dustpan filled with trash, she indicated yessss.  At that point she was chillin’ from a busy day of “waiting,” and doing minimal chores. No doubt, she was hungry.  The landlord’s maintenance workers had come earlier that day to make restoration to the drywall from the ceiling in her bathroom. After they left, she mopped up and swept the bathroom floor. Those tasks definitely drained her energy. So when we came inside her flat, from the looks of the way she sat at the dinner table looking like who did it and what for,  I knew then that she wasn’t going to move any time soon.  I proceeded to clean up the table and prepare her drinks. She usually has two glasses, one filled with water and the other, Turkey Hill tea with ice. I placed the silverware and napkins on the table…and then came the potpie. I asked her if she wanted her “poppie” on a paper plate or the regular plate, and if she wanted it to be heated?
She replied, “paper plate, but you don’t have to heat it.”
I sat the potpie before her on the table.   But she looked at it with the expectation of receiving something else.  Without hesitation she said, “where’s the popeye?”
I replied, it’s on the table.
She responded with bewilderment, “no…, where’s the popeyes.” Well, this went on for ’bout a minute. And I thought: she’s really getting old. I dun sat this poppie on the table and…
Meanwhile, my husband is in the bathroom hangin’ the shower curtain and probably rolling on floor in laughter, as he’s eavesdropping, and perhaps thinking: I’d better hurry back to the front to solve their misunderstandings.
As he dashes up front to the dinning area, he’s looking at me with this hefty smile on his face.  My husband proceeds to clarify… But before he does, Margaree interjects,
“no, I wanted the chicken breast…”
Next. . . all of a sudden, I get this amazing epiphany.  .  . We all busted out laughing! Tears rolled down my face and I was holding my stomach while harmoniously a tad bit of flatulence expelled my lower parts.
Needless to say, I didn’t enunciate properly the word potpie. I was pronouncing it as poppie.  As a result, Margaree was looking for chicken from “Popeye,” the fast food restaurant opposed to KFC’s pot pie. Ahahaha!! If you could only imagine us going back and forth with the “potpie and popeye” thang—which are closely related to homophones if you ask me… Ahahaha.  Well, perchance some of the English major teacher/professor bloggers out there may not think so…. 😀 Maybe if y’all heard my somewhat flecked southern accent you’d probably agree. 😀

4.  Yes, I believe in guardian angels…tens of thousands of them encamp ’round about me both day and night (Psalm 91).

5.  Off the bat, Margaree is my role model.

6.  …She listens, is empathetic, and she’s non judgmental.

7.  The most common color in my wardrobe are a mixture of (or as separates) burnt oranges, blurple (blue and purples), dark blacks, navy blues, browns, coppers, and blue-reds.

8.  I go for both seasonal fashions and classic lines.  However, it depends on my mood and where I’m going. Sometimes when going to church or various receptions, I may dress classy.  Other times, I lean to laid back or casual dressing.

9.  My feet are not cheap. For example, a Payless type of shoe would ruin my feet.  Therefore, I prefer moderate to expensive types of footwear.  Hopefully, at the time of purchase they will be on sale.

10. The age of my life that I would probably turn back the clock to is 10.

11.  …At or around the age of 10 years old, I often would visit my great-aunt, her mother: grandmomma I called her, my great-uncle and his step daughter, and my great-cousin.  They all lived together in this great big house in Michigan.  I remember one summer taking my very first airplane ride there. Eventually, I met two lil girls who became my best friends, and each summer we would have a ball playing together, especially in the attic.  To add, I also loved my fourth grade teachers.  There were two that stood up to me, a feisty, strong-willed soul I was.  Both of them were very instrumental in my academic life. As recent as 2009, I remember seeing one of them, Ms. Christian. We bumped in to each other at WholeFoods store.  Subsequently we sat, had a bit to eat and talked, talked, talked, talked, talked. Ahhhh, I love her and told her how much I appreciated her.  In turn, she expressed how enthusiastic and determined I was to succeed. And she was right.  I’ll always remember that encounter. 🙂

RULES>>>The Liebster Blogging Award continues…

Here are the details and rules for this second nomination award given to me by lady Bondingtool: 1. When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you.

2. Pass the award onto 3-11 other blogs (link or let them know you’ve nominated them) and ask them 11 questions.

3. You are not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated you!

4. Make sure the blogs you chose have 300 or LESS followers.

What is the “Liebster Blog Award?

It is an award given to up and coming bloggers, which reputedly started in Germany. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”, so in a way this award is the “favorite blog award” as another blogger put it. You receive this award from a fellow blogger that feels your blog is both worthy & important to them. You are NOT obligated to accept the award or to even pay it forward but if you receive this award, here are the steps to follow.

This image kind of explains it to other bloggers nominated for the award:


Now Here Are My Three Important Nominees:

1.  Miss Mangue from http://missmangue.wordpress.com
2.  Casey from http://caseofthemunchies.wordpress.com
3.  Yevette from http://iambecomingme.wordpress.com


    • Thank you lady!! And congratulations to you too. For it is written: Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips. Proverbs 27:2😊


  1. Congratulations on your double portion Liebster Blog Award! Thank you for nominating me, it is an honor and certainly unexpected. I appreaciate your thoughtfulness. God Bless.


  2. Congratulations to you! And thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in nominating me–however, I no longer have sufficient time to participate in the awards. God bless you! love, sis Caddo


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